Epogea publishing products

dedicated to the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise
100 years of history to tell

Composite plate with aluminum and Fabriano cardboard packaging,
reproduction using the technique of Grafica Muraria

Plate size 14.6×14.6 cm (image provided by the Park Authority)

Composite plate with aluminum and Fabriano cardboard packaging,
reproduction using the technique of Grafica Muraria

Plate size 14.6×14.6 cm (image provided by the Park Authority)

Cypripedium calceolus is the best known and most beautiful terrestrial orchid in Europe. This plant, once widely spread, is now very rare due to harvesting or grubbing up. It is still found in some mountainous regions of France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy.

Very hardy, the Venus Slipper has absolutely no fear of winter cold, while removed from its natural habitat, it has no chance to acclimatize.

Aluminum composite sheet with Fabriano cardboard packaging, reproduction using the Grafica Muraria technique

Plate size 14.6×22 cm (image provided by the Park Authority)

The Abruzzi chamois is considered an endemic species. It differs at a glance from its alpine relative. The most visible differences are: a more slender, slender and elegant body; longer, hooked horns (especially in males); and the coloring of the winter coat, which has colors ranging from brownish, to reddish with black bands running down from the neck. It prefers the steepest and rockiest parts of the mountains, where it is the undisputed king and can most easily fend off the attack of various predators. It lives above 1,800 m a.s.l. Only in the winter period does it relatively drop in altitude, always settling on the most inaccessible mountain slopes.

The Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park has been working since 1921 to defend the environment in its original aspects and provide refuge for the Marsican Brown Bear, the Abruzzo Chamois, the Apennine Wolf and other important species. The Park Authority creates the conditions for the development of local people to be based on the conservation, enhancement and rational management of the natural and cultural resources that the protected area holds. The Park protects and promotes traditional and quality activities related to the culture sedimented in the area.

Epogea publishing products, want to remind us of the value of the fauna and flora of this wonderful environment that has been protected for more than 100 years. They wanted to transform images of the park into valuable products with the same material used in traditional fresco painting. Our techniques are all in the service of beauty.

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