The Diocese of Sulmona requested, in an editorial format, the reproduction of the fresco of Celestine V in papal robes. For this purpose, a concession for the use of the image of the fresco in the hermitage of Sant’Onofrio al Morrone was issued by the superintendence of L’Aquila.
High-definition filming then followed.

This production combining pictorial tradition and modern printing techniques ensures color stability for many years.

You can feel the masonry material in the touch, which emphasizes the painting.

In this way, images of artworks made on a masonry basis become a good expression and just memory of the original, its history and value.

Vertical format, 22×33 cm.
Detail of the fresco depicting Celestine V in papal robes

Hermitage of Sant’Onofrio al Morrone

The hermitage of Sant’Onofrio al Morrone, dating back to the 13th century and a national monument since 1902, is located near Sulmona and holds the memory of Pietro Angelerio (or Pietro da Morrone), the hermit friar who lived here and became pope in 1294 under the name Celestine V.

Peter Angelerio settled on the slopes of Mount Morrone, in a cave, later arranging for the construction of a proper hermitage that looked toward the Sulmona basin. This place lent itself to solitary and ascetic life, but also to welcoming numerous pilgrims.

Here Celestine V returned in 1295 after abdicating.

Among the many pictorial representations is the fresco of Celestine V in papal robes. The saint, wearing a tiara woven of yellow threads, with robe and hood poured over the white cloak.

Epogea publishing style is the result of the meeting of modern technologies and ancient materials, which have always been used in fine arts. The wall bases on which we reproduce images have an unexpected expressive capacity. They are in all respects similar to the bases of the fresco.

Request information
